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Rates By Country

Country Operator Local Calls Call Back to KSA Incoming Calls  SMS (Outgoing)   Data  Int’l Calls
Afghanistan All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        10.00
Albania All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.29
Algeria All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        26.24
Anguilla All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Antigua and Barbuda All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Argentina All Operators                           6.00                        10.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        45.96
Armenia All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.19
Aruba All Operators                           8.00                        20.00                           5.00                           5.00                     120.00 #N/A
Australia All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.34
Austria T-Mobile                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        29.88
Austria H3                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        29.88
Austria A1 Telekom Austria                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        45.69
Azerbaijan All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        39.81
Bahrain All Operators                           0.90                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
Bangladesh All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        10.00
Barbados All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Belarus All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        45.64
Belgium All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                           5.00
Benin All Operators                           5.00                        15.00                           5.00                           2.00                        95.00                        43.70
Bermuda All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        14.95
Bosnia and Herzegovina All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        37.13
Botswana All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        27.60
Brazil All Operators                           6.00                        10.00                           3.00                           3.00                        10.00                        40.00
Brunei All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           2.00                           3.00                        10.00                        14.95
Bulgaria All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        39.19
Burkina Faso All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        21.85
Cameroon All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        43.70
Canada Bell                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        30.00
Canada Rogers                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        30.00
Canada SaskTel                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        30.00
Canada Telus                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        43.04
Cayman Islands All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Central African Republic All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           2.00                           5.00 #N/A
Chad All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        50.31
Chile All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        21.85
China All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        30.00
Colombia All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Congo All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Costa Rica All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
Cote d’Ivoire All Operators                           2.00                           5.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        19.55
Croatia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        42.60
Cyprus All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.29
Czech Republic All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.29
Denmark All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.00
Dominica Altice                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        21.85
Dominica Digicel                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Dominican Republic Claro                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Ecuador All Operators                        10.00                        25.00                        10.00                           3.00                     120.00                        21.85
Egypt All Operators                           1.50                           2.50                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
El Salvador All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        21.85
Equatorial Guinea All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00  N/A
Estonia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Ethiopia All Operators                           3.50                        16.00                           3.00                           2.00                        45.00                        31.20
Finland All Operators                           2.00                           3.00                           1.00                           0.50                           1.00                        43.21
France All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
French Guiana All Operators                           3.45                        10.35                           5.75                           1.73                        51.75                        19.55
Gabon All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        34.50
Gambia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Georgia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
Germany T-Mobile                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.33
Germany T-Mobile                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.33
Germany Vodafone                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Germany Emnify                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Germany Telefonica                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Ghana All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.31
Greece T-Mobile                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Greece Vodafone                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Greece WIND HELLAS                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.53
Grenada All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Guadeloupe All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00 #N/A
Guatemala All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           2.00                           2.00                           5.00                        50.03
Guinea All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        21.85
Guinea-Bissau All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        25.30
Guyana All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00 #N/A
Haiti All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00  N/A
Honduras All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00 #N/A
Hong Kong All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.50
Hungary All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Iceland All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
India All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Indonesia H3                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Indonesia Excelcom                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Indonesia XL Axiata                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Indonesia Indosat                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Indonesia Telkomsel                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.37
International Airspace AeroMobile                        10.00                        15.00                        10.00                           5.00                        45.00
Iran All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00  N/A
Iraq Asiacell                           2.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        31.89
Iraq Zain                           2.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        11.50
Iraq Fastlink                           2.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        11.50
Iraq Korek                           2.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        11.50
Ireland All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Isle Of Man All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        11.00
Italy All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Jamaica All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Japan All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.65
Jersey All Operators                           4.60                        18.40                           4.60                           2.30                        82.80                        25.30
Jordan Zain                           1.00                           1.50                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Jordan Umniah                           1.00                           2.50                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Kazakhstan All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        24.46
Kenya All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        42.85
Korea (the Republic of) All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.38
Kuwait VIVA                           1.20                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
Kuwait Zain                           0.90                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
Kuwait Ooredoo                           1.20                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
Kyrgyzstan All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.65
Latvia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Lebanon Alfa                           6.20                           8.00                           4.00                           2.50                        30.00                        28.48
Lebanon Touch                           4.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.48
Lesotho All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           7.00                           3.00                        20.00  N/A
Liberia All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.65
Liechtenstein All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
Lithuania All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Luxembourg All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                           5.00
Macao All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Macedonia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
Madagascar All Operators                           2.00                           6.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.30
Malawi All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        71.30
Malaysia All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Maldives All Operators                           3.00                        40.00                           3.50                           3.00                        65.00                        40.00
Mali All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Malta All Operators                           1.50                           2.50                           1.00                           1.00                           1.00                        42.56
Mauritania All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.75
Mauritius All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Mexico All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.03
Moldova All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
Monaco All Operators                           5.00                           5.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        25.30
Montenegro All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        24.15
Montserrat All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Morocco All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Mozambique All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        42.56
Myanmar All Operators                           5.00                           5.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        17.25
Nepal All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        43.40
Netherlands Digicel                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        12.00
Netherlands T-Mobile                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.00
Netherlands Vodafone                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.00
Netherlands KPN                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.06
Netherlands T2                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.00
New Zealand All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.30
Nicaragua All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           2.00                           2.00                           5.00                        43.70
Niger All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        39.22
Nigeria All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.90
Norway All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.30
Oman Omantel                           0.90                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
Oman OOREDOO  (NAWRAS)                           1.20                           3.50                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
Pakistan All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        10.00
Palestine All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.65
Panama All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Paraguay All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Peru All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Philippines All Operators                           3.00                           4.00                           2.00                           1.00                           5.00                        20.00
Poland All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        28.53
Portugal All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Puerto Rico All Operators                           4.00                        12.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Qatar All Operators                           0.90                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        24.36
Romania All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.50
Russia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.00
Rwanda All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        24.00
Saint Kitts and Nevis All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Saint Lucia All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Senegal All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        29.64
Serbia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        42.63
Seychelles All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.95
Sierra Leone All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.65
Singapore All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.00
Slovakia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.38
Slovenia All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        16.10
Somalia All Operators                           4.00                        10.00                           4.00                           2.00                        95.00                        28.75
South Africa All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.00
South Sudan All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        12.65
Spain All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Sri Lanka All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.00
Sudan All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        10.00
Suriname All Operators                           6.00                        22.00                           8.00                           3.00                        75.00 #N/A
Sweden All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.30
Switzerland SWISSCOM                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Switzerland Sunrise                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Switzerland Salt Mobile                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Switzerland Telecom26                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Taiwan All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.31
Tajikistan All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        24.53
Tanzania All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        24.37
Thailand All Operators                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        13.80
Trinidad and Tobago All Operators                           6.00                        23.00                           8.00                           3.00                        80.00                        21.85
Tunisia Tunisia Telecom                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        33.51
Tunisia Orange                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Tunisia Ooredoo (Tunisiana)                           3.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Turkey Turk Telekom                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Turkey Turkcell                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        18.35
Turkey Vodafone                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Turks and Caicos Islands All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        21.85
Uganda All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        19.89
Ukraine All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        14.00
United Arab Emirates Du                           1.20                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
United Arab Emirates Etisalat                           0.90                           2.25                           0.83                           0.23                           1.58                        10.00
United Kingdom All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
United States of America All Operators                           2.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        15.00
Uruguay All Operators                           4.00                           8.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                           9.20
Uzbekistan All Operators                           5.00                           6.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        38.00
Venezuela All Operators                           6.00                        16.00                           6.00                           3.00                        75.00                        21.85
Viet nam All Operators                           3.00                           9.00                           2.00                           2.00                           8.00                        40.98
Virgin Islands (British) All Operators                           6.00                           8.00                           7.00                           3.00                        70.00  N/A
Yemen All Operators                           3.00                        10.00                           1.00                           1.00                        10.00                        15.00
Zambia All Operators                           2.00                           4.00                           1.00                           1.00                           5.00                        21.85

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