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Terms and Conditions



This Service Contract is prepared in accordance with the regulations, by laws and decisions issued by the CITC, in case of conflict between the terms and conditions herein and the terms and conditions outlined in any of the regulations, by laws or decisions issued by the CITC, then the terms and conditions of the CITC shall prevail. This introduction shall constitute an integral part of this contract and shall be read and interpreted with it.



Terms and Conditions for Devices:

– Subscribe and activate (Baseeta) by United Company for Financial Services “Tasheel” to benefit from the service.

– Have available balance to purchase

– Select 24 months payment plan


Customers who met the above criteria, below terms shall apply:

-The total amount will appear to the customer including the full profit rate in baseeta account In case the customer did not pay his invoice and the line was suspended, the customer will pay remaining profit rate.
-If the customer transferred the service to another operator, customer shall be charged the full profit rate for the remining period without waiving any future profit rate.
-The monthly profit rate shall be waived if the customer remains with the same selected packages offered by Salam Mobile.
-The purchase fees are non-refundable unless the customer did not receive the device.
-In case the customer choses Tasheel as payment method, he must use baseeta Card only
-This offer is applicable for customers who subscribed to Salam Mobile postpaid packages starting from Solo 149 and above except for discounted packages and in case of downgrade to lower plans, customer shall be charged the full profit rate for the remining period without waiving any future profit rate.


> This offer is available to Saudi citizens and resident expats in Saudi Arabia who meet Salam Mobile and United Company for Financial Services terms and conditions.
> Tasheel shall not be liable of any loss whatsoever and of any kind to the customer which could be related to this offer.
> Tasheel Finance will not be responsible for any claims under this offer related to telecom services.
> These special Terms and Conditions and its amendments from time to time shall be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of its Courts.
> The United Financial Services Company is supervised and controlled by the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia under license No. 52/Ash/201905.
> In General, delivery to main cities within 1-3 days and to other cities within 5 days.
> Electronics are not subject to return or exchange.
> All electronics are subject to 2 years warranty. In case of defect and after sales warranty, customer must visit apple authorized service center.




2.1 Company:

Refers to Integrated Telecom Mobile Company Ltd “Salam Mobile”, a Saudi limited lability company registered under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under commercial registration number (1010691908) and licensed by CITC to provide virtual mobile telecommunications services.


2.2  Customer:

Refers to the legal, natural or authorized person above 15 years old that has subscribed to any of the Services provided by the company, and has accepted these terms and conditions through an SMS that contains link to this contract or through the Identity Authentication Management (Nafaz).


2.3 CITC:

Refers to the Communications and Information Technology Commission.


2.4 Contract:

Refers to these terms & conditions and any other annexes attached to or referenced in this contract that governs the relationship between the company and the customer.


2.5 Commitment Period:

Refers to the minimum period which the customer shall remain subscribed to the service. Any termination of a Service during the commitment period shall be subject to penalties detailed under article 6 of this contract.


2.6 Service/s

Refers to any of the products and/or services requested by the customer and provided by the company under this contract.


2.7 “SMS” or “Short Message Service”:

Means a text messaging service component of most telephone, internet, and mobile device systems.


2.8 Taxes:

Refers to the value added tax which shall be added to the customer bill in accordance with the prevailing tax laws in KSA.


2.9 Device/s:

Refers to communication equipment or any part thereof owned by the company or any of its contractors and used to make the service available to the customer.


2.10 Permitted Postpaid Package:

Refers to the postpaid Service packages available for subscription with or without the device discount program offered from time to time by the company.


Credit Limits and Insurance Deposit


3.1 The Company reserves the right to determine the credit limit of the customer based on his monthly average consumption or as deemed appropriate by the company. In case the customer reaches his credit limit, the company has the right to suspend the service. customer agrees to pay any amount exceeding the credit limit, and an excess fee up to 10% of the credit limit in case the customer requested the company to resume the service after its suspension due to exceeding the credit limit.


3.2 The customer agrees to provide the company with any information or data it requests for establishing, auditing, or administering his account. The customer also authorizes the company to obtain and collect information related to him or his accounts from the Saudi Credit Bureau (“SIMAH”) or any other company that provides the same service.


3.3 The customer acknowledges that the company may disclose and/or share customer’s information or data or account information with SIMAH or with any other agency approved by Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA).


3.4 Customer agrees to pay an insurance deposit either upon electronically accepting this contract or during its validity, as may be deemed appropriate by the company in order to protect its rights, which shall include but not limited to the following cases:

a. There are undisputed and unpaid amounts due for payment by the customer to the company;

b. The customer have defaulted previously in paying bills to the company or as evident in his credit history at SIMAH; or

c. The customer is a new customer with no history available with the company.


3.5 The company reserves the right to deduct any unpaid due amounts payable by the customer in accordance with this contract from the insurance deposit.


Customer’s Obligations


4.1 The customer agrees to provide the company with information or documentation which may be required to conduct an identification check of the customer, which shall be done through the Ministry of Interior portal “Absher” or through the Identity Authentication Management (IAM). Customer accepts the validation of identification by receiving an SMS to the individual number associated with the customer’s Absher account. The SMS will contain an authentication code, which will then be followed by the terms & condition as well as the contract of the service, which shall be sent through a link to the registered mobile number and email address.


4.2 The customer shall not use or allow the use of the service or make any modifications to the devices, equipment and related software in violation of the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of the Saudi Arabia or in violation of the terms of this contract or for the purposes for which it has been allocated. The customer shall be responsible for any unlawful use of the service and all related consequences including penalties.


4.3 The customer shall not use the service for marketing or advertising purposes.


4.4 The customer shall pay the amount of the insurance deposit and any other due amounts on the dates specified by the company.


4.5 The customer shall, in the event that the company provides devices for the provision of the service, allow the company’s authorized personnel to enter into premises or sites occupied by the customer or under his control and to remain in such locations to the extent required for any of the agreed and permitted purposes in accordance with the regulations, by laws and decisions of the CITC.


4.6 The customer shall comply with the terms of the software licenses used in the devices and equipment, including any related intellectual property rights or any other rights required to provide any services, installation or use of any equipment at customer premises (including communications devices and equipment) during the entire service provision duration by the company.


4.7 The customer may not rent, resell or assign the service without the prior written consent of the company.


4.8 The customer shall notify the company of any changes in the information provided by the customer by its authorized representatives.


4.9 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant service contract Salam Mobile shall be the owner of any devices supplied under this contract and shall have the right to retrieve such provided devices at the end of or termination of such service.


4.10 The customer agree to subscribe to “Pay As You Go” for the Internet usage after the subscribed data benefits for subscribed service is fully consumed based on the basic tariff of the service.


4.11 The customer can view the subscription through mobile application, selfcare or customer care service via calling number 1101 or visit to check the subscribed-plan benefits and details.


4-12 The customer agrees that all Solo digital package promotion services are only provided via digital channels.


Charges and Fees


5.1 All charges and/or fees payable under this contract shall be inclusive of taxes.


5.2 The company shall bill the postpaid service charges and taxes every Gregorian calendar month.


5.3 Customer undertakes, to pay the service fees, establishment or connection fees and any additional services fees as selected by the customer within 30 days of the date of invoice.


5.4 The customer has the right to file an objection to the company for any errors/omissions in an invoice within 60 days of the issuance date of the subject invoice. Thereafter an invoice shall be deemed accepted by the customer.


5.5 The customer undertakes to pay all undisputed amounts as shown in its records not with standing the way it was used and/or the actual identity of the user.


5.6 The company has the right to include previous undisputed due amounts in the current invoice.


5.7 Calls to 9200 unified numbers will be free of charge and it will be deducted from the free local minutes available on the bundle. Once the free local minutes of the bundle are fully consumed, then the Pay-As-You-Go call rate for the 9200 numbers will be 0.175 SAR/Min.


5.8 The following out of bundle charges apply:

onnet calls: 0.35 SAR/Min, offnet calls: 0.35 SAR/Min,

SMS onnet: 0.35 SAR/message, SMS offnet: 0.35 SAR/message,

Data: 0.02 SAR/MB


Contract Term, Suspension and Termination


6.1 The term of this contract shall be valid and enforceable for the commitment Period (the “Initial Term”) which shall commence on the service activation date. This contract term shall renew automatically for an equal period as the Initial Term (each a “Renewal Term”) unless terminated in accordance with the terms of this contract.


6.2 The customer subject to article 6.3 below and in accordance with the regulations, by laws and decisions issued by the CITC may terminate the service any time by calling customer care or visiting a Salam Mobile retail shop.


6.3 In case of termination of the service by the customer or the company in accordance article 6.2 or article 6.5 respectively prior to the end of the commitment period, the customer shall be obliged to pay the fees for the remaining term of the commitment period at the time of termination as stipulated in this contract. For the avoidance of doubt, termination of the service by the customer shall include porting the number to another operator or transfer the number to another customer.


6.4 The customer has the right to request the suspension of the service for a maximum of (12) months if indicated in the details of the service, and shall pay the recurring suspension fees for this period.


6.5 The Company may suspend or terminate the Service in accordance with the regulations, by laws and decisions issued by the CITC in any of the following cases:

A) The Customer’s failure to provide the insurance deposit referred to in Article (3).

B) The customer’s failure to abide by the terms of payment according to the details of the service (Monthly Fees and/or Commitment Period).

C) The customer’s failure to pay the invoices within their due dates; provided that twenty-five (25) days have lapsed from the due date. Should such payment delay reach forty (40) days of its due date Company has the right to;

a) Initiate legal proceedings or

b) Transfer the unsettled due amounts to any of the customer’s other accounts held with the company subject to a notification to the Customer.

D) The customer’s violation of any of the terms and conditions listed herein or in the regulations, by laws and decisions issued by the CITC.

E) The company discovers that the customer has provided false or misleading documents or information, and the customer has failed to provide the company with the updated/corrected documents and information.

F) Upon CITC’s request for suspension or termination of the Service.


6.6 Customer agrees that regardless of the suspension or the termination of the service, the customer is responsible for paying any due amounts to the company.


Limitation of Liability


7.1 The company shall not be liable to the customer in case of a force majeure event or any other reasons beyond its reasonable control.


7.2 The company shall not be liable to the customer for any loss or damage to devices or his/her subscriber identification module (SIM) card as a result of a defect in his mobile phone, delay in its functions, or stoppage in any of the requested services.


7.3 The company shall not be liable for any instability, shortage or interruption in the service resulting from adjusting the network to improve the service or any faults resulting from climate or geographical changes except for the financial reimbursements to the customer for the subject interruption period if the deliberate interference of the company is proven.


Mobile Number Portability

Mobile Number Portability process shall be in accordance with the regulations, by laws, and decisions issued by the CITC.


Device Discount Program


9.1 The ucstomer (if selected) shall pay the discounted price of the chosen device after electronically accepting the terms & conditions of this contract.


9.2 The customer shall subscribe to a permitted Postpaid package to be eligible to subscribe to the device discount program.


9.3 The company reserves the right to evaluate at its sole discretion the customer’s eligibility to subscribe to the subject device discount program based on the customer’s credit history with the company.


9.4 The Customer may not benefit from the device discount program more than once under the same mobile number.


9.5 The purchased device is subject to the warranty terms specified by the subject device manufacturer. The company shall not be liable for any error or defect in the cevice.


9.6 The company have the right to limit the use of the devices to its issued SIM cards only. This limitation can be lifted subject to the payment of all of the due amounts by the customer.


9.7 The customer is liable to settle any outstanding billed/unbilled amount in addition to the remainder of the Device value/commitment period.


Terms and Conditions for Mobile Network Coverage


10.1 The customer acknowledges that the service is provided using Mobile Telecommunications Company Saudi Arabia’s (“Zain”) infrastructure.


10.2 The customer acknowledges that unless otherwise stated, company’s Services offered under this contract will be delivered on a best effort basis and may be subject to applicable contention ratios. Actual upload and download speeds will vary depending on congestion and network availability.


10.3 The Customer acknowledges that the service will be provided based on the available mobile network coverage in accordance with the company’s published coverage map.


General Provisions


11.1 The customer acknowledges that he is legally competent to conclude this contract, and agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions contained herein.


11.2 Should the customer be in a position where he is unable to pay for the services, the company has the right to exchange the credit information of the customer with credit bureaus such as SIMAH.


11.3 The customer shall have the right, in case of a dispute or a disagreement arising under this contract, to submit the dispute to the CITC if an amicable resolution wasn’t reached with the company.


11.4 The company shall have the right to revise the terms and conditions of this contract in accordance with the regulations, by laws and decisions issued by the CITC.


11.5 The company commits to maintain the confidentially of the customer’s information and the customer acknowledges and agrees that the company may reveal customer information or the details of usage of the service upon the request of CITC or any competent authority.


11.6 In case of any discrepancy between the Arabic and English provisions of the terms and conditions of this contract, the Arabic text shall prevail.


11.7 The customer hereby declare that the personal information provided are true and accurate; In the event it is established that any of the information are incorrect or inaccurate, the customer undertake to inform the company of such discrepancy.


11.8  50% discount for people with disabilities on postpaid and prepaid plans (Solo 149, Solo Infinite) available at our branches.

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